
工商管理学位,AA, AAS

Develop the knowledge and skills to become a business professional with 火博体育's Business Administration program. 我们提供两个学位来帮助你实现你的职业目标.

你可以选修我们的两年制课程 工商管理副学士学位 亲自或在线. 这个学位可以转到四年制大学, 这样你就可以继续你获得学士学位的道路.

Or choose the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in Business Administration. This two-year in-person degree offers four concentrations so you can focus on an area of business management.

In both options, you'll learn from our experienced faculty members and develop practical knowledge through project-based experiences. 与SJC一起将你的职业生涯提升到一个新的水平!


如果你想为成功的商业生涯做好准备, 学习工商管理是一个很好的选择. Learn the skills and concepts used by many organizations to help them overcome obstacles and grow. That means you can find various job opportunities as many employers look for these skillsets as they hire. 你可以在市场营销、金融、管理等领域找到工作.


火博体育 is proud to offer two degree options for the Business Administration program. 你应该选择一个最适合你职业目标的.

Choose the 工商管理AA degree if you plan to transfer to a four-year college or university to earn your bachelor's degree. Study business fundamentals and take general education classes that prepare you for advanced coursework. AA课程在校园内和/或在线提供, 在你追求理想职业的过程中给予你额外的灵活性.

如果你想马上进入职场, 工商管理专业学位非常适合你. 为入门级管理做好准备, 一线监督, 或者其他需要基本领导技能的职位. Gain practical skills and knowledge that you can apply directly to your career.



At SJC, you'll receive a quality education to help you succeed in the competitive job market. Our expert faculty teach essential business principles and mentor you in and out of the classroom. 您还将完成动手项目来学习实用技能, such as creating real-world solutions for small businesses to help them grow. You can then apply your experiences to your current job or future career.


You can tailor your business administration degree to your career goals. With the 工商管理辅助系统, you have the option to choose from four concentrations:

  • 数字媒体营销
  • 创业
  • 综合管理
  • 办公室管理

工商管理AA课程没有集中度, 但是你可以灵活地探索不同的领域. You can then focus on the one that interests you at your four-year university as you complete your bachelor's degree.


在某人的帮助下在事业上取得进步 SJC的低学费. You'll receive a top-notch education that prepares you for your career or to transfer to earn your bachelor's degree without breaking the bank. You may also qualify to get your business administration associate degree tuition-free through the NM机会和彩票奖学金.


SJC's School of Business offers a practical approach to studying business concepts. 在这两个学位课程中,您将在以下方面打下坚实的基础:

  • Accounting
  • Business law
  • 企业管理
  • 客户服务和客户关系管理(CRM)
  • Economics
  • 人力资源管理
  • 领导原则
  • Marketing

Your courses and instructors help you build important business skills, including:

  • 会计软件
  • 商务计算机技能
  • 客户关系管理(CRM)软件
  • 决策技巧
  • 设定目标的方法
  • 人际关系和团队合作能力
  • 项目管理软件
  • 时间和自我管理技能

Depending on your degree option, you'll take more specialized courses.

Level up your leadership skills with the Associate of Arts degree in Business Administration. Study management and marketing principles to switch careers or earn promotions.

In the AA program, you'll take nine core courses as the foundation for your degree. 准备好根据你的职业目标发展特定的技能.


Level up your leadership skills with the Associate of Applied Science degree in Business Administration. Study management, marketing, and entrepreneurship principles to switch careers or earn promotions.

In the AAS program, you'll take nine core courses as the foundation for your degree. You'll also choose from one of four concentrations to help you develop specific skill sets based on your career goals.

  • 综合管理专业: Take classes that teach you how to manage a business, from accounting to spreadsheeting.
  • 办公室管理专业: 学习如何保持办公室的效率和组织. Take courses such as Records Management, Business Math, and Office Procedures.
  • 创业创新集中度: 探索如何开始自己的事业并使之成功. 学习如何管理小企业,做广告等等.
  • 数字媒体营销重点: Discover the latest digital marketing trends with this practical focus. 练习使用照片和视频编辑工具.



工商管理AA students may transfer directly to four-year institutions to earn a bachelor's degree. SJC这个项目的主要转移合作伙伴是:

  • 路易斯堡学院
  • 新墨西哥高地大学
  • 新墨西哥大学

The 工商管理辅助系统 program does not directly transfer to four-year schools. However, some schools may accept courses as credit toward your bachelor's degree.

联系学术顾问 有关如何转学的更多细节. They help you coordinate and plan your courses to have a smooth transfer process.



有很棒的商业点子吗? Enter the Hawk Tank Business Plan Competition and compete against fellow SJC students. If you win, you can win up to $10,000 from 火博体育 and 路易斯堡学院!


An associate degree in business administration can lead to various careers in many industries. There is always a demand for workers who can understand and apply business principles. 美国劳工统计局 projects overall employment in business and financial occupations to grow 7% from 2021 to 2031.

With your degree, 你可以从初级管理职位开始你的职业生涯, 一线监督, 类似的职位. 您可以输入的字段包括:

  • Accounting
  • 企业所有权
  • 创业
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • 非营利组织管理
  • 餐厅管理
  • 零售管理
  • 服务管理

你在寻找下一个工作机会吗? Explore SJC's Center for Student Careers and Employment job postings. 经常检查,因为它经常更新.


"You are never too old to go back to school, and once you commit, never give up. There will be times when the road is bumpy, but I promise, you will survive. 火博体育 helped me in every way possible to see me succeed in attaining my degree."


Next Steps

You must first apply to 火博体育 to enroll in the Associate of Arts or Associate of Applied Science in Business Administration degree programs. 这很容易,你可以随时在网上申请!

Apply Now

如果你已经是火博体育的学生, talk to your advisor about our 工商管理AA and AAS degrees.



Phone: (505) 566-3320

Room 1911

M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
